EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND SUPERVISION: Leadership and Supervision Kindle Edition



After completion of the course, t will be able to:

1.Understand the importance of leadership and supervision in the overall efficiency of the institution.

2.Analyze leadership theories and provide critical view on modern leadership approaches.

3.Comprehend the management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.

4.Apply appropriate research strategies to promote an environment for improved student achievement.

5.Comprehend and promote healthy organizational climate focusing on integrity, fairness, and ethical mannerism.

6.Explain and analyze the process of decision making and its role in the improvement of the organization.

7.Solve problems associated with planning, administration, policy, and professional practice by analyzing data; synthesizing information; and applying critical thinking.

8.Explain the theoretical and practical aspects of supervision and its implications.

9.Explain and apply the framework of total quality management in educational organizations.


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